Sogefi: Lists presented for the board of director appointment

Mantua, April 6 2010 – Sogefi S.p.A. informs that as at today only one list has been presented for the appointment of the Board of Directors for the three-year period 2010-2012 as in the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting called for April 20, 2010 at 4 p.m. in first call and for April 21, 2010 in second call.

The list was presented by the company CIR S.p.A., which attests that it holds voting rights representing 56.59% of the share capital:

Candidates for the position of Members of the Board of Directors:
1.  DE BENEDETTI Rodolfo
2.  BOSIO Emanuele
3.  CAPRIO Lorenzo
4.  DI VIETO Roberta
5.  FRIGERIO Dario 6.  GERMANO Giovanni
7.  PIASER Alberto
8.  ROBOTTI Roberto
9.  ROCCA Paolo Riccardo

The curricula vitae and full details of the personal and professional standing of the candidates, together with all the documentation regarding their acceptance of the candidature and a declaration that they possess the requisites required by law and by the Company bylaws may be consulted as from today at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., on the Company’s website and at the Company’s registered office.

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