Supervisory body

The Supervisory Body has the task of supervising the functioning and effective application of the Model of Organization, Management and Control adopted by the company.


As foreseen in Decreto Legislativo 231/2001 (legislative decree) on the administrative responsibility of companies, CIR has equipped itself with a Model of Organization, Management and Control (Modello 231), which it periodically updates. The last document was approved by the Board of Directors on July 31 2023.

The Supervisory Body, a body of control foreseen by Decreto Legislativo 231/2001, is fundamental to the correct application of the Modello 231. 

The Supervisory Body, in fact, monitors the observance of the Model of Organization, Management and Control on the part the recipient subjects, and on the effectiveness and adequacy of the Model in relation both to the company structure and the effective capacity to prevent the committing of crimes.

The Supervisory Body also proposes to the Board of Directors the updating of the Model following changes in the company, law and/or the external context.

In order to correctly ensure its own functions, the Supervisory Body is independent and in a third-party position with regard to the subjects it must supervise. It is equipped with power of autonomous initiatives and checks, communicates regularly with the other actors in the System of Internal Control and Risk Management, including the Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee and Board of Statutory Auditors, and periodically reports to the Board of Directors.


The Supervisory Body is a collegial body, nominated by the Board of Directors, and is presently composed of Alessandro Musella, Mario Chiodi and Ezio Pagliano, the manager responsible for the internal auditing function.