Sogefi: car filter factory starts production in the United States

The plant will produce filter systems for Fiat-Chrysler and Ford engines   7 million dollar investment to expand in US market, with target revenues of over 20 million dollars in 2011    

Prichard, West Virginia (United States), June 30 2010Sogefi, the company of the CIR group that produces automotive components, has started producing engine filter systems in the United States in its factory at Prichard (West Virginia).  

The plant was inaugurated today in the presence of West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin III, and of the Chief Executive of Sogefi, Emanuele Bosio. At the production site in West Virginia, Sogefi will be producing oil filter systems for the Fiat-Chrysler multiair engines mounted in the Fiat 500s built for the American market and for Ford diesel engines.  

“The start of filter system production in West Virginia – commented Emanuele Bosio, Chief Executive of Sogefi – is part of our growth strategy for the North American market in this business sector, where we were previously not present. The technological change currently under way in the United States towards more eco-compatible vehicles with lower consumption could benefit European producers like Sogefi, who has already developed and built the necessary components in its domestic markets. In 2011, when the plant is fully up and running, we expect to have revenues in the United States of over 20 million dollars, an objective that we may have to revise upwards if the negotiations in progress with local manufacturers should lead to new orders”.  

The investment being made by the company in the conversion of the factory originally used to produce suspension components amounts to approximately 7 million dollars. Sogefi is a world leader in engine filter systems. It supplies all the main manufacturers and has a strong presence in South America too. As well as its interest in the US market, the company has also confirmed its growth objectives in China and India.  

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