Sogefi: lists presented for the election of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Milan, March 27, 2015 – Sogefi S.p.A. gives notice that as of today only one list has been presented for the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors for financial years 2015 – 2016 – 2017 which will take place at the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting called on April 20, 2015 at 4.00 p.m., in first call, and on April 21, 2015 at the same time, in second call.

The list presented by CIR S.p.A. which has voting rights on 66,458,988 ordinary Sogefi shares, corresponding to 56.04% of the share capital of the Company, contains the following candidates:

Candidates for the position of Statutory Auditor
1. Riccardo Zingales
2. Claudia Stefanoni
3. Giuseppe Leoni

Candidates for the position of Alternate Auditor
1. Anna Maria Allievi
2. Mauro Girelli
3. Luigi Macchiorlatti Vignat

Since only one list has been presented, in accordance with the second paragraph of Art. 144-octies of Consob Resolution no. 11971 of 14.5.1999 and subsequent amendments and additions, notice is hereby given that further lists may be presented until March 29, 2015 and that the threshold of 2.5% set out in art. 26 of the Articles of Association is now reduced by one half as per the fifth paragraph of Art. 144-sexies of the Resolution. Since this deadline is a Sunday, lists will be accepted by fax to the no. 0376-374733 provided that they are delivered physically to the Company’s registered office by 30 March 2015.

The curricula vitae and the complete documentation with which the candidates accept their candidature and attest that they possess the requisites required by law and by the Articles of Association together with full personal and professional profiles will be available to the public as from March 30, 2015 at Company’s registered office, on the authorized storage system 1Info and on the Company’s website

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