Gruppo Espresso: candidate lists for the election of the Board of Directors

Rome, 2 April 2015 – Gruppo L’Espresso S.p.A. hereby announces that two lists have been filed today for the appointment of the Board of Directors for the years 2015-2017. The lists will be submitted to the Ordinary General Meeting called for 23 April 2015 at 11 a.m. on first call and for 24 April 2015 on second call.

1) List no. 1, submitted by CIR S.p.A., the major shareholder (which has testified that it holds voting rights representing 53.581% of the ordinary share capital):
1. Prof. Agar BRUGIAVINI               independent
2. Prof. Alberto CLO’                      independent
4. Mr Rodolfo DE BENEDETTI
5. Mr Francesco DINI
6. Mrs Silvia MERLO                        independent
8. Ms Elisabetta OLIVERI                independent
9. Mr Luca PARAVICINI CRESPI       independent
10. Mr Michael ZAOUI                     independent

2) List no. 2, submitted by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trieste, Prosper S.p.A. e Erga Omnes S.r.l. some minority shareholders (which have testified that they hold voting rights representing 8.042% of the ordinary share capital):
1. Dott. Massimo PANICCIA            independent
2. Dott.ssa Tiziana BENUSSI           independent

3) List no. 3 submitted by Anima SGR S.p.A.: Fondo Anima Geo Italia e Fondo Anima Italia; Eurizon Capital S.G.R.S.p.A. gestore dei fondi : Eurizon Azioni Italia e Eurizon Azioni PMI Italia; Eurizon Capital SA gestore del fondo Eurizon EasyFund – Equity Italy; Fideuram Investimenti S.G.R. S.p.A. gestore del fondo Fideuram Italia; Fideuram Asset Management (Ireland) Limited gestore dei fondi: Fideuram Fund Equity ltaly, Fonditalia Flexible ltaly e Fonditalia Equity ltaly; Interfund Sicav gestore del fondo Interfund Equity Italy; Mediolanum Gestione Fondi SgrpA gestore dei fondi: Mediolanum Flessibile Italia Mediolanum Flessibile Sviluppo Italia e Mediolanum International Funds Limited – Challenge Funds – Challenge Italian Equity, some minority shareholders (which have testified that they hold voting rights representing 3.174% of the ordinary share capital):
1.    Dott. Massimo BELCREDI     independent

The curricula vitae and all additional documents with which the individual candidates accept their nomination and attest that they possess all the requirements called for by law and by the Articles of Association, together with detailed information on their personal and professional status is now available to the public at the registered offices in Via Cristoforo Colombo 98, Rome, at the Borsa Italiana S.p.A., at the authorized storage device 1Info at and available on the Company’s website in the Corporate Governance section.

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