CIR: F.lli De Benedetti S.p.A. presents list for Board of Directors

Milan, March 30 2020 – CIR S.p.A. – Compagnie Industriali Riunite announces that the company F.lli De Benedetti S.p.A., holder of 381,500,256 ordinary shares in CIR equal to 29.87% of the share capital and 44.53% of the voting rights, is the only shareholder to have presented a list for the renewal of the Board of Directors for the years 2020-2022 at the ordinary Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders to be held on April 24 2020 at 11.00 a.m. at a single call.

F.lli De Benedetti S.p.A. also announces that at the AGM it will put forward the proposal that there should be 12 members of the Board of Directors compared to the 9 currently holding the position.

The list contains the following candidates:

  1. De Benedetti Rodolfo
  2. Mondardini Monica
  3. De Benedetti Edoardo
  4. De Benedetti Marco
  5. Debenedetti Franco
  6. Bertherat Philippe (independent)
  7. Botticini Maristella (independent)
  8. Dubini Paola (independent)
  9. Giannini Silvia (independent)
  10. Marocco Pia Luisa (independent)
  11. Pasinelli Francesca (independent)
  12. Porcari Maria Serena (independent)

The CVs and the documentation in which the candidates accept their candidature and attest that they possess the requisites prescribed by law and by the Company Bylaws together with the profile containing their personal and professional details will be made available to the public as from April 3 2020 at the Company headquarters (Via Ciovassino 1, Milan), on the website, and on the authorized storage mechanism eMarket STORAGE.

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