HSS (CIR Group): Giuseppe Vailati Venturi new chief executive

Milan, September 9 2009 – The Board of Directors of Holding Sanità e Servizi (HSS), a company of the CIR group, met today under the chairmanship of Claudio Stabon.   At the start of the meeting the directors and statutory auditors remembered Piero Micossi, the chief executive of HSS who died suddenly at the beginning of August, and the extraordinary contribution he made both at the personal level and professionally to the establishment and growth of the company.   The Board then appointed Giuseppe Vailati Venturi, previously general manager, to the position of chief executive officer of HSS. Vailati Venturi, 39, graduated in Business Economics from the Bocconi University in Milan and obtained a master’s degree in Business Administration from Insead in France. He worked previously for Bain&co. as a consultant and then, more recently, for CIR as corporate development manager, contributing directly to the creation of HSS, where he was responsible for administration, finance and control from the very beginning.   The Board then proceeded with the appointment as deputy chairman of Enrico Brizioli, who is also chief executive of the subsidiary Istituto Santo Stefano (rehabilitation hospitals) and chairman of the subsidiary Ospedale di Suzzara for the group. Brizioli was also given an executive mandate for the development of HSS’s healthcare policies.   In managing the company Vailati Venturi will be assisted by Brizioli, and also by the heads of the other business areas: Paolo Tassinari (chief executive of the subsidiary Anni Azzurri – residences for the non self-sufficient elderly) and Guglielmo Brayda di Soleto (chief executive of the subsidiary Medipass – supply of technology services as an independent provider).

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