CIR Group: new website goes live

Milan, September 22 2009 – The new website of the CIR Group (Compagnie Industriali Riunite) is now up and running at With brand new graphics and content, the site is available in Italian and in English. The new web portal has been designed to make it easier for visitors to surf the site and to give them an in-depth knowledge of the businesses and initiatives of the group.   The site has three new sections: Businesses has detailed descriptions of the companies controlled by CIR, active in the energy sector (Sorgenia), media (Espresso), automotive components (Sogefi), healthcare (HSS) and financial services (Jupiter). The Governance section has lots of useful information on corporate governance. Lastly, the Sustainability section contains the latest news on the initiatives of CIR and the companies of the group in the field of corporate social responsibility.   The main section, devoted to Investors, has been renewed and extended with news, updated prices, historical information on the stock, analysts’ opinions and documents on the results of the group in various formats. There have also been changes to the section reserved for journalists (Press), where press releases and statements can be found along with the latest news and pictures.   The home page of the site contains prices of all the stocks of the group, a calendar of corporate events both past and future with related documents, a video giving a description of the company in 60 seconds and a kit with all the essential information on CIR.    The new website also contains multimedia features with animation, images and graphics. The site was designed in collaboration with Key Technologies for the technology side and Lundquist for the organization of the content. 

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