CIR: consolidated and statutory financial statements for 2008 filed

Milan, May 15 2009 – In accordance with CONSOB Resolution no. 11971 of May 14 1999, CIR SpA hereby gives notice that the Financial Statements for the year 2008 approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 30 2009, and including all the documentation required by current regulations as well as the Consolidated Accounts of the Group for the year 2008, have today been
filed at the Company headquarters and with Borsa Italiana SpA and are available to anyone who may request them.
The minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting that approved the Financial Statements for 2008 will be made available to the public at the company offices and at Borsa Italiana SpA within the time limit prescribed by law and stipulated in Art. 77 of the above cited CONSOB Resolution no. 11971.

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