Milan, 7 April 2023 – In relation to the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors of CIR S.p.A. for the years 2023-2024-2025, in view of the ordinary Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders to be held on 28 April 2023 at 10.00 a.m. at a single call, we inform that three further lists of candidates have been filed pursuant to article 144-sexies, paragraph 5 of the Issuers’ Regulation by the following shareholders:
- Alessandro Nizzi and Beatrice Baroncelli, holder of 27,756,350 ordinary shares in CIR equal to 2.507% of the share capital, with the following candidates:
Candidate for the position of Statutory Auditor (in office)
- Barbara Giovanni
Candidate for the position of Alternate Auditor
- Pardi Marco
- Navig S.a.s., holder of 24,400,000 ordinary shares in CIR equal to 2.204% of the share capital, with the following candidates:
Candidate for the position of Statutory Auditor (in office)
- Cinti Gianluca
Candidate for the position of Alternate Auditor
- Beretta Daniele
- Eurizon Capital SGR S.p.A., Fideuram Asset Management Ireland, Fideuram Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking Asset Management SGR S.p.A. and Mediolanum Gestione Fondi SGR S.p.A., on behalf of certain investment funds managed by them, holders of overall 17,725,592 ordinary shares in CIR equal to 1.60093% of the share capital, with the following candidates:
Candidates for the position of Statutory Auditor (in office)
- Fulgeri Alessia
Candidates for the position of Alternate Auditor
- Izzo Maria Federica
The CVs and the documentation in which the candidates accept their candidature and attest that they possess the requisites prescribed by law and by the Company Bylaws together with the profile containing their personal and professional details are available to the public as from today at the Company headquarters (Via Ciovassino 1, Milan), on the website and on the authorized storage mechanism eMarket STORAGE.