Disclosure regarding the buyback of shares

Milan, 21 November 2022 – Following the resolution of the Board of Directors on 12 September 2022 on the continuation of the share buyback plan launched on 16 March 2022, in accordance with and in execution of the authorization granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 12 September 2022, CIR S.p.A. announces that between 14 and 18 November 2022 it bought back, on the Euronext Milan market, 108,000 shares at an average unitary price of € 0.4302, for a total amount of € 46,458.30.

As of today, CIR S.p.A. is holding a total of 23,218,183 treasury shares, equal to 2.10% of its share capital. The subsidiaries of CIR do not own any shares in the Company.

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