Milan, June 16 2021 – CIR S.p.A. – Compagnie Industriali Riunite (“CIR” or the “Offeror”) informs that Consob, with resolution no. 21898 of June 15 2021, pursuant to Article 102, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree no. 58 of February 24, 1998, as amended and supplemented (“TUF”), approved the tender offer document (the “Tender Offer Document”) for the voluntary partial public tender offer (the “Tender Offer”) launched by CIR on a maximum number of 156,862,745 shares of CIR (the “Shares”). Pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 2, of the Rules for Issuers, the period of acceptance, agreed with Borsa Italiana S.p.A., will begin on June 21, 2021 at 8:30 am and will end on July 29, 2021 at 5:30 pm, inclusive (unless extended). The payment date of the purchase price, equal to Euro 0.51 per Share tendered to the Offer, will fall on August 6, 2021. The publication and the dissemination of the Tender Offer Document will be the subject of a subsequent press release pursuant to Article 38, paragraph 2, of the Rules for Issuers.
Disclaimer. The Tender Offer is being made exclusively on the Italian stock exchange, the only market on which CIR’s shares are listed, and is addressed, indiscriminately and under the same conditions, to all the shareholders of the Issuer with the exception of the Issuer itself. The Tender Offer has not been and will not be promoted or disseminated in the United States of America, Canada, Japan and Australia, as well as in any other country in which such dissemination is not permitted without authorisation from the competent authorities or is in breach of local rules or regulations (the “Other Countries”), nor by using instruments of communication or international commerce (including, by way of example, the postal network, fax, telex, e-mail, telephone and internet) of the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia or of the Other Countries, nor through any structure or structure of the Tender Offer, including, without limitation, by post, facsimile, telex, electronic mail, telephone and internet) of the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia or the Other Countries, or through any facility of any financial intermediary of the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia or the Other Countries, or in any other manner. Copies of this press release, the Tender Offer Document, or portions thereof, as well as copies of any subsequent documents that the Offeror will issue in connection with the Tender Offer, are not and shall not be sent, nor in any way transmitted, or in any way distributed, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, in Canada, in Japan, in Australia or in the Other Countries. Any person receiving the above documents shall not distribute, send or ship them in any way in the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia or the Other Countries. The Tender Offer Document does not constitute and shall not be construed as a tender offer addressed to persons residing in the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia or in the Other Countries. Subscription to the Tender Offer by persons residing in countries other than Italy may be subject to specific obligations or restrictions provided for by laws or regulations. It is the sole responsibility of the addressees of the Tender Offer to comply with such rules and, therefore, before accepting the Tender Offer, to verify their existence and applicability by contacting their consultants. Subscriptions to the Tender Offer in breach of the above limitations will not be accepted.