Espresso: notice of general meeting of the shareholders

The Board of Directors of Gruppo Espresso, which met today, voted to call an Ordinary and Extraordinary Meeting of the Shareholders for July 23 2014


The Shareholders are invited to attend the Extraordinary and Ordinary Meeting of the Shareholders to be held, at the first call, on July 23 2014 at 12.00 noon in Rome, Via Cristoforo Colombo 90 and, if a second call is necessary, on July 24 2014 at the same time and place, to discuss and pass resolution on the following


Extraordinary Part

Increase of the share capital against payment in cash, in tranches, to be used exclusively to service the conversion of an equity-linked bond for a total of Euro 100,000,000 maturing on April 9 2019, reserved for qualified investors, with exclusion of the option right as per the terms of Art. 2441, paragraph 5, of the Civil Code, for a total maximum nominal amount of Euro 6,969,288.75, through the issuance of a maximum number of 46,461,925 ordinary shares each with a nominal value of Euro 0.15. Amendment of Article 5 of the Company Bylaws. Resolutions pertaining to and resulting from the same.

Ordinary Part

Appointment of a Director or re-determination of the number of members of the Board ofDirectors. Resolutions pertaining to and resulting from the same. 


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