CIR: comment on the ruling of the Civil Court of Appeal on the Lodo Mondadori

CIR: COMMENT ON THE RULING OF THE CIVIL COURT OF APPEAL ON THE LODO MONDADORI Milan, July 9 2011 – The ruling was filed today by the Milan Court of Appeal in the civil action brought by CIR, assisted by legal counsel Prof. Vincenzo Roppo and Elisabetta Rubini, against Fininvest for compensation for the damage suffered following corruption of the judge in the Lodo Mondadori affair. The ruling sentences Fininvest to pay CIR the sum of euro 540,141,059.32, plus interest accruing at the legal interest rate from October 3 2009 until the payment date, as compensation for the immediate direct damage suffered. The verdict also sentences Fininvest to pay CIR the legal costs of both levels of justice.   CIR and its legal counsel, attorneys Vincenzo Roppo and Elisabetta Rubini, are pleased to note that the ruling of the Court of Appeal confirms yet again the fact that in 1991 Mondadori was snatched from CIR thanks to the corruption of judge Vittorio Metta, organized on behalf of and in the interests of Fininvest. It has been recognized that CIR has the right to receive appropriate compensation for the damage it suffered. This damage, which was already huge at the time, has increased considerably because of the effect of revaluation and interest given the amount of time that has elapsed since the event. CIR and its legal counsel is particularly pleased to note the passage in the ruling which recognizes that by corrupting judge Metta, Fininvest took away not only CIR’s chance of winning the court case in 1991 for control of the Mondadori-Espresso group, but it also prevented CIR from achieving a victory that, but for the corruption of the judge, would have been certain. Lastly it should be stressed that the legal dispute over the Lodo Mondadori concerns events which occurred over twenty years ago and is a purely business issue which has nothing at all to do with the current political scene. 

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