CIR: filing of documentation for EGM

Milan, 2 August 2024 –CIR S.p.A. announces that, with reference to the extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting called for 6 September 2024, at 9.00 am, in single call, it has made available to the public, at its registered office (Via Ciovassino 1, Milan), on the website www.cirgroup .it (Governance/Shareholders’ Meeting section) and on the authorized storage mechanism “eMarket STORAGE”, the explanatory report of the Board of Directors on the items on the agenda.

The form for the granting of proxies or sub-delegations to the Designated Representative for representation at the Assembly pursuant to art. 135-novies of Legislative Decree 58/1998 and the form for granting the proxy and related voting instructions to the Designated Representative pursuant to art. 135-undecies of Legislative Decree 58/1998 are available on the website (Governance/Shareholders’ Meeting section).

Any further documentation relating to the Shareholders’ Meeting, required by current legislation, will be made available to the public according to the terms of law.