Milan, October 11, 2024 – Today, the Board of Directors of CIR S.p.A. (“CIR” or the “Company”) approved the launch of a voluntary partial purchase tender offer for the purchase of a maximum number of 131,147,541 ordinary shares of the Company, equal to 12.524% of its share capital, at a price of Euro 0.61 per share and for a maximum amount of Euro 80 million. Concurrently with the publication of this press release, the Company published the press release concerning the tender offer, prepared pursuant to article 102 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998, article 37 of the Issuers’ Regulations and article 17 of EU Regulation no. 596/2014, to which reference should be made for any information concerning the offer.
Considering the launch of the tender offer on treasury shares, the Board of Directors also resolved to interrupt the treasury share purchase plan initiated on March 16, 2022, and lastly extended by the resolution of April 29, 2024.
Following what has been announced to the market on October 7, 2024, it is hereby announced that, in execution of the authorization granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting of April 29, 2024, and in compliance with the same, the Company during the period from October 7 to October 10, 2024, purchased no. 351,127 shares at an average unit price of Euro 0.5659 for a total countervalue of Euro 198,696.71. As of October 10, 2024, CIR S.p.A. owns a total of 32,915,016 treasury shares, equal to 3.143% of the share capital.