Giovanni Barbara
Giovanni Barbara (Alessano – Lecce, 1960) has been Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors at CIR since April 2023.
He is Associate Professor of Commercial Law in the Law Faculty of the LUM Giuseppe Degennaro University and scientific Coordinator of the Masters in Auditing and Internal Control (LUM Giuseppe Degennaro University).
He is a Supreme Court lawyer and statutory auditor.
He is scientific director and responsible for the ‘Rivista Corporate Governance’ published by G. Giappichelli – Turin.
He is the author of the following monographs: ‘Covenants e Fattispecie Aggregative’, ‘Le Operazioni Straordinarie’, ‘Il Valore dell’Informazione nella Governance delle S.p.A. – Il Consiglio di Amministrazione’.
He is an expert in Corporate Governance, Company Law, Arbitration, and International Tax Planning.
He is Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Air One S.p.A., Compagnia Aerea Italiana S.p.A., Italia Loyalty S.p.A. and Alitalia City Liner S.p.A..
He is a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of numerous listed and unlisted companies, including Immsi S.p.A., Piaggio & C S.p.A., Sogefi S.p.A., Intermarine S.p.A. and Hermès Italie S.p.A..
He is Chairman of the Supervisory Body of ABI (Associazione bancaria italiana), Gruppo Farmacie Italiane, Italia Loyalty and State Street Bank. In conclusion, acting as an expert, he is a member of the Commission ‘Aggiornamento e revisione dei principi di comportamento del collegio sindacale di società non quotate’ instituted by the Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (national council of accountants and accounting experts).